Trusted Node has partnered with Sifchain to further extend its ecosystem.

Trusted Node
1 min readDec 12, 2021

Trusted Node is proud to have made another milestone in its ecosystem. We are excited to announce that Trusted Node has partnered with Sifchain. The collaboration is intended for the scalability of the staking portal, and more delegation opportunities.

Sifchain is an application-specific blockchain built on top of the Cosmos SDK. It uses Tendermint’s consensus mechanism for cross-chain token swaps, making it an Omni-chain solution for DEXes.

The partnership will allow our users to delegate the Sifchain native asset ($ROWAN) with a high APR, for blockchain rewards and governance rights on that network.

Trusted Node's mission is to integrate more blockchains to increase its network of validator nodes and diversify staking for the users. Stay tuned and catch more on advancements through our official channels.

About Trusted Node

Trusted Node is creating a validator network for proof-of-stake and next-generation blockchains. It allows for professional stewardship of the network while providing yields to stakeholders who participate in the decision-making around nodes in the network infrastructure.

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Trusted Node

Trusted Node is creating a validator network for proof-of-stake and next-generation blockchains.